Inherits: IVaultMining, OwnableInternal, ReentrancyGuard
State Variables
Address of the vault registry
address internal immutable VAULT_REGISTRY;
Address of the PREMIA token
address internal immutable PREMIA;
Address of the vxPremia token
address internal immutable VX_PREMIA;
Address of the PREMIA physically settled options
address internal immutable OPTION_REWARD;
If vote multiplier is zero or not set, we use this value instead
UD60x18 private constant DEFAULT_VOTE_MULTIPLIER = ONE;
constructor(address vaultRegistry, address premia, address vxPremia, address optionReward);
Add rewards to the contract
function addRewards(UD60x18 amount) external nonReentrant;
Return amount of rewards not yet allocated
function getRewardsAvailable() external view returns (UD60x18);
Return amount of pending rewards (not yet allocated) for a specific vault
function getPendingVaultRewards(address vault) external view returns (UD60x18);
Calculate amount of rewards to allocate to the vault since last update
function _calculatePendingVaultRewardAmount(
VaultMiningStorage.Layout storage l,
VaultInfo storage vInfo,
UD60x18 rewardAmount
) internal view returns (UD60x18);
Return the amount of user rewards already allocated and available to claim. This only account for l.userRewards[user] and does NOT include pending reward updates.
function getUserRewards(address user) external view returns (UD60x18);
Calculate the amount of rewards to allocate across all vaults since last update
function _calculateRewardsUpdate(VaultMiningStorage.Layout storage l) internal view returns (UD60x18 rewardAmount);
Calculate the new accRewardsPerShare
for a vault, based on total rewards to allocate, and share of rewards that vault should get
function _calculateAccRewardsPerShare(
VaultMiningStorage.Layout storage l,
VaultInfo storage vInfo,
UD60x18 rewardAmount
) internal view returns (UD60x18 accRewardsPerShare);
Return amount of pending rewards (not yet claimed) for a user for a vault
This DOES NOT account for l.userRewards[user]
and only account for pending rewards of given vault
function getPendingUserRewardsFromVault(address user, address vault) external view returns (UD60x18);
Return amount of total rewards (not yet claimed) for a user.
This accounts for l.userRewards[user]
and pending rewards of all vaults
function getTotalUserRewards(address user) external view returns (UD60x18);
Return the total amount of votes across all vaults (Used to calculate share of rewards allocation for each vault)
function getTotalVotes() external view returns (UD60x18);
Return internal variables for a vault
function getVaultInfo(address vault) external view returns (VaultInfo memory);
Return internal variables for a user, on a specific vault
function getUserInfo(address user, address vault) external view returns (UserInfo memory);
Get the amount of rewards emitted per year
function getRewardsPerYear() external view returns (UD60x18);
Update the yearly emission rate of rewards
function setRewardsPerYear(UD60x18 rewardsPerYear) external onlyOwner;
Get the vote multiplier for a given vault
function getVoteMultiplier(address vault) external view returns (UD60x18);
Sets the vote multiplier for a specific vault
function setVoteMultiplier(address vault, UD60x18 voteMultiplier) external onlyOwner;
function _setVoteMultiplier(address vault, UD60x18 voteMultiplier) internal;
Add a dual mining pool for a specific vault
function addDualMiningPool(address vault, address dualMining) external onlyOwner;
Removes a dual mining pool from a specific vault
function removeDualMiningPool(address vault, address dualMining) external onlyOwner;
Return list of dual mining pools for a given vault
function getDualMiningPools(address vault) public view returns (address[] memory);
wrapper, returns the params for the option reward token. Note that the
on-chain price is constantly updating, therefore, the strike price returned may not be the same as the
strike price at the time of underwriting.
function previewOptionParams() external view returns (UD60x18 strike, uint64 maturity);
Name | Type | Description |
strike | UD60x18 | the option strike price (18 decimals) |
maturity | uint64 | the option maturity timestamp |
Allocate pending rewards for a list of vaults, and claim max amount of rewards possible.
function claimAll(address[] calldata vaults) external nonReentrant;
Allocate pending rewards for a list of vaults, and claim given amount of rewards.
function claim(address[] calldata vaults, UD60x18 amount) external nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
vaults | address[] | The vaults for which to trigger allocation of pending rewards |
amount | UD60x18 | The amount of rewards to claim. |
Claim rewards from all dualMining contracts of given vaults
function _claimDualMiningRewards(address user, address[] calldata vaults) internal;
Claim option rewards
function _claimRewards(VaultMiningStorage.Layout storage l, address user, UD60x18 amount) internal;
Trigger an update for all vaults
function updateVaults() public nonReentrant;
Trigger an update for a user on a specific vault This needs to be called by the vault, anytime the user's shares change Can only be called by a vault registered on the VaultRegistry
function updateUser(address user, UD60x18 newUserShares, UD60x18 newTotalShares, UD60x18) external nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
user | address | The user to update |
newUserShares | UD60x18 | The new amount of shares for the user |
newTotalShares | UD60x18 | The new amount of total shares for the vault |
<none> | UD60x18 |
Trigger an update for a vault
function updateVault(address vault) public nonReentrant;
Allocate pending rewards from global reward emission
function _allocatePendingRewards(VaultMiningStorage.Layout storage l) internal;
function _updateVault(address vault, UD60x18 newTotalShares) internal returns (UD60x18 vaultRewards);
Trigger an update for a user on a specific vault This needs to be called by the vault, anytime the user's shares change Can only be called by a vault registered on the VaultRegistry
function updateUser(address user, address vault) external nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
user | address | The user to update |
vault | address |
Update user rewards for a specific vault
function _updateUser(address user, address vault) internal;
Update user rewards for a list of vaults
function _updateUser(address user, address[] calldata vaults) internal;
Update user rewards for a specific vault
function _updateUser(address user, address vault, UD60x18 newUserShares, UD60x18 newTotalShares) internal;
Update vault allocation based on votes and vote multiplier
function _updateVaultAllocation(VaultMiningStorage.Layout storage l, address vault) internal virtual;
Set new vault votes, scaled by vote multiplier
function _setVaultVotes(VaultMiningStorage.Layout storage l, VaultVotes memory data) internal;
Revert if addr
is not a vault
function _revertIfNotVault(address addr) internal view;