Inherits: IChainlinkAdapter, FeedRegistry, OracleAdapter, PriceRepository
This oracle adapter will attempt to use all available feeds to determine prices between pairs
State Variables
If the difference between target and last update is greater than the STALE_PRICE_THRESHOLD, the price is considered stale
uint256 internal constant STALE_PRICE_THRESHOLD = 25 hours;
constructor(address _wrappedNativeToken, address _wrappedBTCToken)
FeedRegistry(_wrappedNativeToken, _wrappedBTCToken);
Returns whether the pair has already been added to the adapter and if it supports the path required for the pair (true, true): Pair is fully supported (false, true): Pair is not supported, but can be added (false, false): Pair cannot be supported
tokenA and tokenB may be passed in either tokenA/tokenB or tokenB/tokenA order
function isPairSupported(address tokenA, address tokenB) external view returns (bool isCached, bool hasPath);
Name | Type | Description |
tokenA | address | One of the pair's tokens |
tokenB | address | The other of the pair's tokens |
Name | Type | Description |
isCached | bool | True if the pair has been cached, false otherwise |
hasPath | bool | True if the pair has a valid path, false otherwise |
Stores or updates the given token pair data provider configuration. This function will let the adapter take some actions to configure the pair, in preparation for future quotes. Can be called many times in order to let the adapter re-configure for a new context
function upsertPair(address tokenA, address tokenB) external nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
tokenA | address | One of the pair's tokens |
tokenB | address | The other of the pair's tokens |
Returns the most recent price for the given token pair
function getPrice(address tokenIn, address tokenOut) external view returns (UD60x18);
Name | Type | Description |
tokenIn | address | The exchange token (base token) |
tokenOut | address | The token to quote against (quote token) |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | UD60x18 | The most recent price for the token pair (18 decimals) |
Returns the price closest to target
for the given token pair
function getPriceAt(address tokenIn, address tokenOut, uint256 target) external view returns (UD60x18);
Name | Type | Description |
tokenIn | address | The exchange token (base token) |
tokenOut | address | The token to quote against (quote token) |
target | uint256 | Reference timestamp of the quote |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | UD60x18 | Historical price for the token pair (18 decimals) |
Returns a price based on the pricing path between tokenIn
and tokenOut
function _getPriceAt(address tokenIn, address tokenOut, uint256 target) internal view returns (UD60x18);
Describes the pricing path used to convert the token to ETH
function describePricingPath(address token)
returns (AdapterType adapterType, address[][] memory path, uint8[] memory decimals);
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The token from where the pricing path starts |
Name | Type | Description |
adapterType | AdapterType | The type of adapter |
path | address[][] | The path required to convert the token to ETH |
decimals | uint8[] | The decimals of each token in the path |
Returns the pricing path that will be used when quoting the given pair
tokenA and tokenB may be passed in either tokenA/tokenB or tokenB/tokenA order
function pricingPath(address tokenA, address tokenB) external view returns (PricingPath);
Name | Type | Description |
tokenA | address | One of the pair's tokens |
tokenB | address | The other of the pair's tokens |
Name | Type | Description |
<none> | PricingPath | The pricing path that will be used |
Registers mappings of ERC20 token, and denomination (ETH, BTC, or USD) to feed
function batchRegisterFeedMappings(FeedMappingArgs[] memory args)
override(FeedRegistry, IFeedRegistry)
Name | Type | Description |
args | FeedMappingArgs[] | The arguments for the new mappings |
Set the price of token
denominated in denomination
at the given timestamp
function setTokenPriceAt(address token, address denomination, uint256 timestamp, UD60x18 price)
override(PriceRepository, IPriceRepository)
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The exchange token (ERC20 token) |
denomination | address | The Chainlink token denomination to quote against (ETH, BTC, or USD) |
timestamp | uint256 | Reference timestamp (in seconds) |
price | UD60x18 | The amount of token denominated in denomination (18 decimals) |
Returns the pricing path between tokenA
and tokenB
and the mapped tokens (unsorted)
function _pricingPath(address tokenA, address tokenB)
returns (PricingPath path, address mappedTokenA, address mappedTokenB);
Returns the price of tokenIn
denominated in tokenOut
when the pair is either ETH/USD, token/ETH or
function _getDirectPrice(PricingPath path, address tokenIn, address tokenOut, uint256 target)
returns (UD60x18);
Returns the price of tokenIn
denominated in tokenOut
when both tokens share the same token
denomination (either ETH or USD)
function _getPriceSameDenomination(PricingPath path, address tokenIn, address tokenOut, uint256 target)
returns (UD60x18);
Returns the price of tokenIn
denominated in tokenOut
when one of the tokens uses ETH as the
denomination, and the other USD
function _getPriceDifferentDenomination(PricingPath path, address tokenIn, address tokenOut, uint256 target)
returns (UD60x18);
Returns the price of tokenIn
denominated in tokenOut
when the pair is token/WBTC
function _getPriceWBTCPrice(address tokenIn, address tokenOut, uint256 target) internal view returns (UD60x18);
Returns the pricing path between tokenA
and tokenB
function _determinePricingPath(address tokenA, address tokenB) internal view virtual returns (PricingPath);
Attempts to find the best pricing path for token
based on the conversionType
, if a feed exists
function _tryToFindPath(
address token,
ConversionType conversionType,
PricingPath preferredPath,
PricingPath fallbackPath
) internal view returns (PricingPath);
Returns the latest price of token
denominated in denomination
, if target
is 0, otherwise we
algorithmically search for a price which meets our criteria
function _fetchPrice(address token, address denomination, uint256 target, int8 factor)
returns (uint256);
Returns the latest price of token
denominated in denomination
function _fetchLatestPrice(address token, address denomination) internal view returns (uint256);
Returns the price of token
denominated in denomination
at or left of target
. If the price left of
target is stale, we revert and wait until a price override is set.
function _fetchPriceAt(address token, address denomination, uint256 target, int8 factor)
returns (uint256);
Performs a binary search to find the round data closest to the target timestamp
function _performBinarySearchForRoundData(
BinarySearchDataInternal memory binarySearchData,
address feed,
uint16 phaseId,
uint64 nextAggregatorRoundId,
uint256 target
) internal view returns (BinarySearchDataInternal memory);
Try/Catch wrapper for Chainlink aggregator's latestRoundData() function
function _latestRoundData(address feed) internal view returns (uint80, int256, uint256, uint256, uint80);
Try/Catch wrapper for Chainlink aggregator's getRoundData() function
function _getRoundData(address feed, uint80 roundId) internal view returns (uint80, int256, uint256, uint256, uint80);
Returns the Chainlink aggregator for token
/ denomination
function _aggregator(address token, address denomination) internal view returns (address[] memory aggregator);
Returns decimals for aggregator
function _aggregatorDecimals(address aggregator) internal view returns (uint8);
Returns the scaled price of token
denominated in USD at target
function _getPriceAgainstUSD(address token, uint256 target) internal view returns (UD60x18);
Returns the scaled price of token
denominated in ETH at target
function _getPriceAgainstETH(address token, uint256 target) internal view returns (UD60x18);
Returns the scaled price of ETH denominated in USD at target
function _getETHUSD(uint256 target) internal view returns (UD60x18);
Returns the scaled price of BTC denominated in USD at target
function _getBTCUSD(uint256 target) internal view returns (UD60x18);
Returns the scaled price of WBTC denominated in BTC at target
function _getWBTCBTC(uint256 target) internal view returns (UD60x18);
Revert if the difference between target
and updateAt
function _revertIfPriceLeftOfTargetStale(uint256 updatedAt, uint256 target) internal pure;
Revert if denomination
is not a valid
function _revertIfInvalidDenomination(address denomination) internal pure;