Inherits: IOptionReward, ReentrancyGuard
State Variables
address internal constant BURN_ADDRESS = 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD;
Returns the option strike price and maturity timestamp. Note that the on-chain price is constantly updating, therefore, the strike price returned may not be the same as the strike price at the time of underwriting.
function previewOptionParams() public view returns (UD60x18 strike, uint64 maturity);
Name | Type | Description |
strike | UD60x18 | the option strike price (18 decimals) |
maturity | uint64 | the option maturity timestamp |
Underwrite an option
function underwrite(address longReceiver, UD60x18 contractSize) external nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
longReceiver | address | the address that will receive the long tokens |
contractSize | UD60x18 | number of long tokens to mint (18 decimals) |
Use expired longs to claim a percentage of expired option intrinsic value as reward,
after lockupDuration
has passed
function claimRewards(UD60x18 strike, uint64 maturity) external nonReentrant returns (uint256 baseAmount);
Name | Type | Description |
strike | UD60x18 | the option strike price (18 decimals) |
maturity | uint64 | the option maturity timestamp |
Name | Type | Description |
baseAmount | uint256 | the amount of base tokens earned as reward |
Releases base tokens reserved for claimRewards
if rewards have not be claimed at maturity + lockupDuration + claimDuration
function releaseRewardsNotClaimed(UD60x18 strike, uint64 maturity) external nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
strike | UD60x18 | the option strike price (18 decimals) |
maturity | uint64 | the option maturity timestamp |
Returns the amount of base
tokens which can be claimed per long not exercised after the lockup period.
function getRewardPerContract(UD60x18 strike, uint64 maturity) external view returns (UD60x18);
Settle options after the exercise period has ended, reserve base tokens necessary for claimRewards
and transfer excess base tokens + quote tokens to paymentSplitter
function settle(UD60x18 strike, uint64 maturity) external nonReentrant;
Name | Type | Description |
strike | UD60x18 | the option strike price (18 decimals) |
maturity | uint64 | the option maturity timestamp |
Returns the amount of base tokens reserved for claimRewards
function getTotalBaseReserved() external view returns (uint256);
Returns the max amount of expired longs that a user can use to claim rewards for a given option
function getRedeemableLongs(address user, UD60x18 strike, uint64 maturity) external view returns (UD60x18);
Returns the option physically settled storage settings
function getSettings()
returns (
IOptionPS option,
IOracleAdapter oracleAdapter,
IPaymentSplitter paymentSplitter,
UD60x18 percentOfSpot,
UD60x18 penalty,
uint256 optionDuration,
uint256 lockupDuration,
uint256 claimDuration,
UD60x18 fee,
address feeReceiver
Revert if price is zero
function _revertIfPriceIsZero(UD60x18 price) internal pure;
Revert if lock period has not ended
function _revertIfLockPeriodNotEnded(uint64 maturity) internal view;
Revert if claim period has not ended
function _revertIfClaimPeriodEnded(uint64 maturity) internal view;
Revert if claim period has not ended
function _revertIfClaimPeriodNotEnded(uint64 maturity) internal view;
Revert if the option is not expired
function _revertIfNotExpired(uint64 maturity) internal view;