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This library implements the functions necessary for computing price movements within a tick range.

WARNING: This library should not be used for computations that span multiple ticks. Instead, the user should use the functions of this library to simplify computations for more complex price calculations.



Returns the percentage by which the market price has passed through the lower and upper prices from left to right. Reverts if the market price is not within the range of the lower and upper prices.

function proportion(UD60x18 lower, UD60x18 upper, UD50x28 marketPrice) internal pure returns (UD50x28);


Returns the percentage by which the market price has passed through the lower and upper prices from left to right. Reverts if the market price is not within the range of the lower and upper prices.

function proportion(Args memory args) internal pure returns (UD50x28);


Find the number of ticks of an active tick range. Used to compute the aggregate, bid or ask liquidity either of the pool or the range order.

min_tick_distance = 0.01
lower = 0.01
upper = 0.03
num_ticks = 2
0.01               0.02               0.03
Then there are two active ticks, 0.01 and 0.02, within the active tick range.
function amountOfTicksBetween(UD60x18 lower, UD60x18 upper) internal pure returns (UD60x18);


Returns the number of ticks between args.lower and args.upper

function amountOfTicksBetween(Args memory args) internal pure returns (UD60x18);


Returns the liquidity between args.lower and args.upper

function liquidity(Args memory args) internal pure returns (UD60x18);


Returns the bid-side liquidity between args.lower and args.upper

function bidLiquidity(Args memory args) internal pure returns (UD60x18);


Returns the ask-side liquidity between args.lower and args.upper

function askLiquidity(Args memory args) internal pure returns (UD60x18);


Returns the maximum trade size (askLiquidity or bidLiquidity depending on the TradeSide).

function maxTradeSize(Args memory args) internal pure returns (UD60x18);


Computes price reached from the current lower/upper tick after buying/selling trade_size amount of contracts

function price(Args memory args, UD60x18 tradeSize) internal pure returns (UD50x28);


Gets the next market price within a tick range after buying/selling tradeSize amount of contracts

function nextPrice(Args memory args, UD60x18 tradeSize) internal pure returns (UD50x28);



struct Args {
    UD50x28 liquidityRate;
    UD50x28 marketPrice;
    UD60x18 lower;
    UD60x18 upper;
    bool isBuy;